A fairly accurate depiction of how Conservatives maintain control of society.

Every trick is pulled, from manipulating the location of a rally, police agent provocateurs and local n@zis encouraged to start riots, the press putting out statements about how many police were injured by the violent Leftists, assassinations of politicians and witnesses, discrediting of politicians and witnesses by the press and police, alibis for every thug, every police chief, discrediting of evidence right before people’s eyes, false evidence, phony witnesses, phony officials and phony elections. The film is extensive and has only proven to be more and more truthful with every released government document and memoir from that era. Conservatives are happy to be honest long after the events no longer matter, no matter how many people they killed.

The only inaccuracy is that the prosecutor would be allowed to get as far as he did in his investigations. In reality he would either be a Conservative himself, and therefore corrupt and supportive of the murders, or he would never gain the position in the first place.

I would point out how horrifying it is that nothing has changed since then, but that’s the point. The Conservatives won that war in the end, and all of us are paying the price for it, both sociologically and environmentally.

History was erased in 1991. It has taken us thirty years to remember it. We are beginning to recognise the lessons of films like this, and are becoming more human again for it, but what a dehumanising thirty years it’s been.

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